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Extra Life National Game Day – November 7th

Extra Life’s national game day is this Saturday, November 7th! Are you ready? We are!

Have you ever wondered where the funds donated to Extra Life go?

Alex is an avid Extra Lifer and Cook Children’s patient who continues to benefit from donations that go directly to the Child Life department. Cook Children’s Child Life Zone is an important component of healing for many children at the medical center. Alex and his sister have both learned to play instruments through the music exploration program. All patients are welcome to visit the Child Life Zone to participate in crafts, games, and even medical play, which is important for helping kids understand different procedures and treatments they may get.

These completely donor funded programs and activities in our Child Life Department could not happen without support from people like you!

So ask your friends, families, and neighbors to support the patients and families at Cook Children’s with you!

This year has been so tough on all of us but the reality is: Kids Can’t Wait for a cure, for the curve to flatten or for an economic boost. They need children’s hospitals now more than ever. They need YOU! Let’s show the patients at Cook Children’s what we can do.